Monday, September 04, 2006

Freaked out...

Just attempted watching the theatrical trailer of Shiva (a new Ram Gopal Verma flick!).
After 4 seconds...unable to watch whats happening I closed the window. A goonda walking towards a man who is held by 4 goons..with a hammer..with obvious intentions to bang the poor chaps head.
The cop turning a blind eye to a laymans plea.. I couldnt watch more.

Same thing happened when me and my roomie tried watching this movie called the first few scenes they drown a new born girl child in boiling milk....WHy?

Why so grotesque?

Whats more scary is the fact..some of these things probably actually do happen! Which makes me wonder. What happens if I actually saw something like this happen in real life? Do I freak out? Do I turn a blind eye? And will it make things go away?

Will not watching such films keep me safe from nightmares? Possibly. But its freaking me out that
these things dohappen. I can do nothing about it. OR can I?


Born a Libran said...

Well, first of all, saw the trailer. And yes, it was grotesque, but I felt the same sensation in Sarkar where I think the scene was more grotesque in the end... After that, the trailer gets better...

Now, on to life, yes, the world is made up of all sorts of people and one should know what it is all about.

Should a bird in a cage never see free birds because it would know what freedom is all about? I am giving a poor example there and certainly not pertinent to the grossness in the trailer, but at the same time, it is something I would rather know about/see in a movie than never know about it and live in an illusion...

PS: Photography fundaes being dished out by bloggers at my place...

ligne said...

did you watch it all then? I guess I never actually asked you about it..!